I'm Alexandra Petrus

Your Confidence and Mindset Coach


My mission is to help women entrepreneurs and professionals across the globe who feel stressed, overwhelmed, and lack confidence.

I guide them to master their mindset and cultivate empowering habits, so they can crush their goals, become more confident, vibrant and alive.

You will learn in a life-changing journey with me, how to shift your mindset, improve your lifestyle habits and live a mindful, healthier, and fulfilling life.



I'm Alexandra Petrus

Your Confidence and Mindset Coach


My mission is to help women entrepreneurs and professionals across the globe who feel stressed, overwhelmed, and lack confidence. I guide them to master their mindset and cultivate empowering habits, so they can crush their goals, become more confident, vibrant and alive.

You will learn in a life-changing journey with me, how to shift your mindset, improve your lifestyle habits and live a mindful, healthier, and fulfilling life.


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My Story


Hi! I'm Alexandra Petrus and I'm excited to help you achieve your true potential and live your best life!

I have a background in architecture, but my true passions lie in self-development, psychology, human behaviour, communication, mindset and productivity.

My mission is to help women entrepreneurs and professionals across the globe who feel stressed, overwhelmed, and lack confidence. I guide them to master their mindset and cultivate empowering habits, so they can crush their goals, become more confident, vibrant and alive.

My journey to become a Certified Coach started with overcoming my own personal struggles. I experienced health issues, was overweight, and lacked energy. I was so tired, depressed and lost. I could get no sleep and had two little kids that needed all my attention. Food sensitivities and mood swings made it difficult to find balance in my life. My hormones were out of control. I was so stressed. I struggled to find confidence and purpose, even though I had everything I needed.

But through my journey, I discovered how to implement small, easy steps into my daily routine and change my daily habits. I learned to embrace my unique qualities, to prioritise self-care, to accept and love myself, and the most important … to master my thoughts, to overcome limiting beliefs and fears.

Today, I am a confident woman, I live an amazing life with healthy habits and an abundant mindset. I feel fulfilled and I celebrate myself and my life every day.

Now I'm here to guide women like you on their own journey to a healthy, balanced, and fulfilled life. I'll show you how to recognise your body's messages, nourish yourself with more than just food, and access boundless reserves of energy you didn't know you had. You'll become more confident, radiant, and present with your thoughts and actions, and you'll be in charge of your time and your life.

I can't wait to meet you inside and help you achieve your goals.

Let's get started!


Alexandra "Fabulous" Petrus


Join My Exclusive Community:

"The Private Circle of Fabulous Woman"

Knowledge is power, and in my community, I provide regular free trainings, workshops, and free resources on various topics that are relevant to our lives as women. From self-care, productivity, mindset and confidence-building to professional development and healthy habits, I've got you covered.

In this sisterhood, you can start to unlock your potential and become the best version of yourself. You will have accountability, support and an opportunity to be around me and other fabulous women like you!

So, don't wait! JOIN NOW and get access to all the experiences inside! 


"I am happy to provide a testimonial for Alexandra, because she has undoubtedly had a very positive impact on me and on my process of change. She supported me in a very caring and empathetic way and provided me with a variety of tools to help me move forward on my journey. She showed me how changes are possible through my own drive and that expert guidance and support can make a significant difference.

I highly recommend Alexandra to anyone who is looking to make positive changes in their life. She is a true professional and a compassionate and supportive coach and I am truly grateful for all she has done for me!"

- Luminita Bjola

Interpreter - Germany


"During the 90-Day Program, I managed to discover that is not about dieting or losing weight. It is about accessing that person within me that already exists and is just waiting to be able to come to the surface and to be heard. After working with Alexandra I managed to become what I wanted since a long time!

Now I feel more feminine, fulfilled, disciplined and more present with my body and with everything that surrounds me. I recommend working with Alexandra to every woman who feels that she needs to rediscover herself!"

- Andrada Donca

HR Specialist - United Kingdom


"I've been very lucky to be able to take part of this program with Alexandra. Before working with her I was more than lost in everyday life with many aspects of it. After these sessions, I regained my lost confidence, optimism and hope. She helped me see the things I kind of stopped myself from seeing, accepting them and embrace everything that comes into my life as a blessing or a lesson.

Alexandra was more than a coach, she always talked to me in a way that it felt we know each other for a long time. In her way of talking, she gave me the courage that I needed to be more opened not only to her, but also to myself. Any woman who will get to work with her will approve everything I said!" 

- Diana Stefan

Pharmacist - Romania



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