The Audio Mini Course: 

Women's Mindset Makeover.

Boosting Focus, Time and Productivity

In This Audio Mini Course Tailored Specifically for Women, You Will Experience a Profound Positive Shift in Your Work and Personal Life.

Sign up now and start the journey!



Would You Love to Have More Time And To Be More Productive?

  Do You Feel Overwhelmed And Have No Focus


If Your Answer is YESSS! ... You are in the right place!  


I'm Alexandra Petrus

Confidence and Mindset Coach

My mission is to help women entrepreneurs and professionals who feel stressed, lack confidence and self-esteem. I guide them to master their mindset and cultivate empowering habits, so they can crush their goals, become more confident, vibrant and alive. 

I have a background in architecture, but my true passions lie in self-development, psychology, human behaviour, mindset and productivity. As a certified coach, I am passionate about how our mindset and beliefs can influence and create our experiences. 

I had amazing results with my clients who implemented my Signature Program “Becoming F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.” I helped women around the world to unlock their potential and become the Fulfilled, Abundant, Beautiful, Unstoppable, Limitless, Outstanding, Unique and Seductive women they always meant to be ... And I am here to support you too, in your transformative journey!

My Solution:

Women's Mindset Makeover.

Boosting Focus, Time and Productivity


What you'll get:

  • A transformative journey to revamp your mindset

  • The tools needed to enhance your efficiency and achieve your goals.

  • Easy and actionable steps to get quick results.

  • Ways to unlock your true potential in the realms of focustime management, and productivity.

  • WORKBOOK to have more clarity and start the mindset work.

  • BONUS - 30 Minutes Strategy Call for questions and implementation


Sign up now and start the journey!


What you will learn:

1. Module

In this module you will understand how fundamental is the connection between mindset and productivity, so you can transform how you approach tasks and goals.

2. Module

In this module you will explore an innovative and holistic approach to time management that takes into account the unique biological rhythms of the menstrual cycle.

3. Module

In this module, you will learn what focus is, how it works differently for women and what to do to create a distraction-free environment.


After you listen the course you can start the mindset work using the Workbook I have created for the course. If you want to implement those strategies in detail and to get quick results, you have all my support. You have the opportunity to book your 30 Minutes Bonus Strategy Call for questions and implementation.

"Alexandra is such a masterful coach! She helped me break down an overwhelming goal into doable steps and get into action...then I put my fears into words so I can take away their power over me. Just WOW! So lucky to have you as my coach!!!!"

- Laura Fluieraru

"Alexandra is a happy, insightful person that helps you overcome obstacles with freedom and ease!"

- Daniela Dohnert

"Alexandra is attentive, patient and all around a great person to help you with thinking through goals. I have appreciated every coaching session I have completed with her. She is kind, empathetic and gentle, but also strong and so helpful. I highly recommend working with Alexandra!" 

- Katelyn Alberti

Get the Audio Mini Course and

Let's Get Started on Your Journey to Greatness...