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Are You Ready to Overcome Procrastination and Get Things Done?

join us for the


New Month,

New Habit 21-Day CHALLENGE!


The Challenge begins on

July 3. 2024 / 1:00 PM EST









See what my clients are saying:

"I took action that day on the task I was procrastinating on and made some progress to be proud of.

When I find myself procrastinating or overthinking I remind myself what we talked about, flipping the perspective around to challenge my limiting beliefs and reflect on my thoughts."

 Amanda B. - Author

"Working with Alexandra is magical. I am grateful for her coaching expertise in helping me see how I can be creative, successful and confident with starting my own business.

Now I am consistent in showing up for my clients."

Mary B. - Entrepreneur 

"She is an amazing coach that sees you and believes in your goals more than you do. She would use her life experience and her honed skills as a coach, and get  you to the place where you want to leap.

Her resources that can support you outside of her sessions are endless and as long as you are committed, there is no way you won't get a transformation."

Corina S. - Entrepreneur 

You may be a high-achieving woman but you don't get the results you want?


You may feel...

  • That you are always behind because you juggle so many roles and responsibilities...

  • You would love to clone yourself to get things done...

  • Anxious and frustrated because your perfectionism doesn't let you show up consistently for your business and you lose your focus by procrastinating tasks... 

  • Acting like an imposter while your confidence and self-esteem are down and you freeze (and stay stuck) instead of taking action...

  • Often putting yourself last and craving for some self-care moments...but there is never enough time...
Join the Challenge

What to expect during this challenge?

And be prepared for much more... 


You are invited to join the weekly MindSPA Sessions on Zoom. You will learn the anatomy of habits and new strategies on how to overcome perfectionism, to stay consistent and fine tune your mindset for success. It's interactive. It's fun!

We work together for 45 minutes. Who attends LIVE will receive the worksheets with the specific exercises. Replays will be available just for limited time.


Join my exclusive Community the Private Circle of Fabulous Women on Facebook. This will be the place where you will have my daily guidance and accountability. You can ask questions and connect with me and other fabulous woman who are part of this 21-Day Challenge.

Surround yourself with supportive people to get the best results during your transformative journey!


Accountability is key in creating new habits, and you will have it from me, during the entire 21-Day Challenge.

The Habit Tracker will be your companion and together with the tips that you will receive in your inbox, you are already set for success.

You just show up and I'll help you to follow through!

I already believe in you! You've got this! 

Why 21-Days?


Research shows it takes 21 days to form a new habit. During this time, you'll create new neural pathways, making your new habits stick long-term.


This isn't just a quick fix – it's a foundation for lifelong transformation.

This challenge is designed specifically to help you break free from the overwhelm and create habits that grow your confidence.


You will have the blueprint on how to overcome procrastination and get things done.

Check out the topics of the

Weekly MindSPA Sessions

1. Live MindSPA Session (July 3. at 1:00 PM EST)

"PERFECT is the Enemy of GOOD"

In this live session, we'll uncover how striving for perfection can hinder progress and discover strategies to embrace good enough as a powerful tool for achieving our goals.

2. Live MindSPA Session (July 10. at 1:00 PM EST)

"The Importance of YES and NO"

During this live session, we'll explore into the power of setting boundaries and making intentional choices to prioritise what truly matters in your life.

3. Live MindSPA Session (July 17. at 1:00 PM EST)

"OWNERSHIP as Your Secret Weapon"

We'll uncover how taking full responsibility for your actions and decisions can transform your mindset and empower you to achieve your goals, as a confident woman.

4. Live MindSPA Session (July 24. at 1:00 PM EST)

"CELEBRATION as a Springboard to Success"

In our final zoom session, we'll learn how acknowledging and celebrating your achievements can boost motivation and propel you towards even greater accomplishments and success.


I'm Alexandra Petrus!


...Women, Mother,

Coach & Chief Motivator  

I live in Germany with my husband and two little boys, and I love to be surrounded by flowers and positive people.

Before learning how to navigate this life with ease, I was lost in despair...

I never had time for myself, or for my family. I felt like I am always behind and not good enough or confident enough to make bold decisions. After getting multiple certifications and investing in coaches I've learned how to leverage the power of habits, in order to grow my confidence and achieve my dreams.

Now I am here for you to share the blueprint that helped me create the life I love. As an expert in mindset, productivity and human behaviour, I had amazing results, helping and guiding women across 11 countries to build unshakable confidence and self-esteem, with easy steps (tiny little habits) and mindset shifts.

Join us for the 21-Day Challenge On

July 3. 2024 / 1:00 PM EST









we can't wait to see you.   

Join The Challenge Now! 

Get ready to overcome procrastination and get things done!